
This write-up is about bypassing Cloudflare and getting origin servers.


Cloudflare is a security layer that protect a website. It works as a middleman between a server and users. It protect against web-based attacks such as XSS and SQLi Injections, Buffer Overflow and most significantly, DDoS attacks. In general, an attacker can't access origin server directly if cloudflare is enabled. So, it could be difficult to deploy such attacks.

This is enough to give basic information about cloudflare security. Let's move into the bypassing part.


First let's see if the server behind any Web Application Firewall (WAF) or not. To determine this simply visit the IP of a target. From "A" records we can get the sever IP. Use dig or to get "A" records.

Eternyle$ dig

;; ANSWER SECTION: 299 IN A 1337.10.11.21 299 IN A 1337.10.12.21

Let's visit one of this IP to check if WAF is implemented or we can just access directly.

It says "Direct IP Access not allowed" and "IP address that is part of the Cloudflare network" that means server is behind cloud flare. So we need to bypass and get the origin IP.

Alternatively we can use shodan to check if the server is behind CloudFlare or not.

Dork: parsed.names:


There may have several ways to bypass or get the origin server. But Censys is a best option to get the origin servers.

By using Censys we can get many IPs. Fact is which one is origin server?

We may get IPs from censys that maybe from cloudflare ranges but we need to get IPs which contains identical HTML contents of main domain.

We will use a tool called Cloudflair written by Christophe.  That tool help us to get the origin server and it will match HTML identical contents to the main domain to determine the origin IP.

Eternyle$ python

[*] some outputs.....

[*] some outputs.....

[*] Found 2 likely origin servers of!
  - (HTML content identical to
  - (HTML content identical to

So we get two origin servers. I think that is enough to submit a report.

Network Mapping: 

Let's do a simple scan.

Eternlye$ nmap

Not shown: 979 filtered ports

25/tcp open smtp 
43/tcp open whois 
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3 
143/tcp open imap 
443/tcp open https 
465/tcp open smtps 
587/tcp open submission 
700/tcp open epp 
993/tcp open imaps 
995/tcp open pop3s 
2000/tcp closed cisco-sccp 
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server 
5222/tcp open xmpp-client 
5432/tcp open postgresql 
5900/tcp open vnc 
5901/tcp open vnc-1 
8080/tcp open http-proxy 
8085/tcp open unknown 
8099/tcp open unknown 
9200/tcp open wap-wsp

By nmap scan we have many open ports. With these open ports we can do our further attacks.

So, we have successfully bypassed the cloudflare and got open ports. 

I have reported this vulnerability to a program and got $250 bounty on @Federecy


Find me on @Twitter

Have a good day! Ramadaan Mubarak. <3